somebody has tagged me...
last two weeks or perhaps moar..
lul sry kiddo, im kinda busy...catching z's :3
01. three things that scares me.
-exam results
-petir ngan kilat^^
-run out of money
02. three people who make me laugh
-outrageous manga spoiler(a really crazy one)
-my friends
03. three things that i hate..
-*see 01
04. three things that i like
-animu, mango n games
05. three thing that i don't understand
-why war?
-how do bandai molding machine operates?
-why my streamyx is gettin slower?
06. three things that i wanna do before i die
-i wanna live longer
-make sure that my good deeds more than the bad ones..
-getting married..:p u noe what that really means..
07. three things that i can do..
-tidoo gaya bebass
-finish 150++ chapters of a manga in one day..
-maths :p
08. three things i can't do
-become a gandam
-public speaking..and summore
09. three ways to describe my personality
- happy-go-lucky
- hypocrite...only in some circumstances
- faithful :p
10. three person i wanna tag
- Obama
- Sawajiri Erika
- Leah Dizon
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