Monday, December 1, 2008


old image is old

this is fukken gureatto!
mai frickin exams was officially over and finally its taim for a lil fun~
..mmmuuaggrhh i luv u freedom..

ermm seriously, this blog will go nowhere and probably will self-destruct or decompose itself cus i've no intention to make it at first(very little courage)...this one is juz for fun actually...

-merupakan sebijik tempat untuk ak menyebarkan finah2 dan propaganda..
-tmpat gandamku beraksi dengan aksi2 yang menggiurkan dan penuh syahwat...lul
-klu hari2 minggu ak rajen ak wat la reveiw pasal anime or manga~

-im a newbie in this thingy, so, me need moar teeching plz~

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